Its THE DAY! A new nation will celebrate the world cup for the first time. How fitting considering that its the first time Africa hosts the tournament. The best two football nations that have never won it will meet to decide who will end up being the greatest nation that never won it. It will be a historical day for one side and a heart breaking for another after finally being that close.
Who will you pray for? I am all for Spain, though I always dreamed of the day Holland-not Spain- will win the tournament. Why? Because I was raised to worship the oranges football style. I consider Rinus Michels as my coaching icon. I mourn the 1974 team before and after every world cup for being the team that deserved the title more than any other team that lost it -beside Brazil 1982 may be. Their fans have that cheerful flavor in the stadium. All that being a relatively small country with -also relatively- limited resources. But those who were capable of beating the wild oceans still suffer to beat their bad luck and bring that dear title home.
But not this team. I can go as far as saying this is the worst team to win this title for Holland. Not that they are bad or anything, but there is a concern that this team may cause Holland football the same ruining infection the 1966 world cup winners caused for England. That team became the uncompromisable standard for English football and players were reshaped and evaluated per se. Coaches were struggling to imitate Alf Ramsey to an extreme that any innovative idea faced automatic rejection. And here we are 44 years later, Holland bring a different football approach to the world cup than they used to do, the common one or the so called "realistic". For the first time this team neither tastes orange nor carrot. There is no refreshing juice within. Healthy? May be. But its as good to health as a tablet. You need it, but you never seek it with joy. Its scary to think that if this team wins, Holland from bottom to top, from amateurs to first division, from youth to superstars will seek more of the same. Current coach already pointed out that "you cant count anymore on luck...Attractive football is a destructive ideology in Holland's football.". Its not that attractive football is the right way while the rest is wrong. Its just the only different style facing the rest. We need that. Holland 1974 were as close to the title as this team- or even closer. I hope it keep being the same next sunrise.
Spain deserve this one, regardless of laughable stuff you read in the past few days. Its the only team that all the opponents (Aside of Chile may be) were more concerned to stop than to beat. The unique style of play. Being a team with all what the word can express. Not group of individuals with a level of understanding. A team. And with the huge impact total football had on Spanish football -and Barcelona methodology in specific- its just fitting for this Spanish team to defeat this Holland.
I will not get into tactics and systems, nothing to say more than what previously said about the two teams. I will invite you to enjoy this final as it will be a great pleasure for the eye.
chris809 Said,
There was a team that deserved the title as much as Holland in 1974 (or maybe even more): the Magical Magyars of 1954.
Posted on July 11, 2010 at 10:21 AM
Ramzi Said,
Chris809, how did I forget that? Its good having you around to fix the records :)
Posted on July 11, 2010 at 10:42 AM